Case study: Nogmay

Demonstrating Tech Expertise

How Nogamy fortified its positioning as one-stop-shop player in the BI/Big Data services marketplace


Developing fresh content on a technical topic in a short timeframe

Nogamy wanted to write a professional article on big data in a very short notice. Nogamy’s objective was to create content engagement with target audience and position Nogamy as a thought leader in its industry. The BI/Big Data arena was new to Galimark and we had to dive in, understand the eco-system as we were technical experts in order to produce high quality content for technical audience.


Quick and thorough research of marketplace for a creative content piece

Research the ecosystem Nogamy is part of. Learn about the Big Data market, main solutions and pain points they solve. Learn about main competitors – what they write about, how they engage the content with their audience, and explorer the best media funnels to publish this type of topics. With unique methodology for storytelling and mastering
technical content, Galimark was able to produce creative content with high impact.


BI, CRM and IT project management

company size



The need to position the company as thought leader in its field of expertise

Oren Zamski

Co-CEO, Nogamy

Case study: Nogmay

Galimark has proven to be a true partner when it comes to a company’s Marketing needs. It is a privilege to be engaged with such a rare combination of high quality professionals mixed with exquisite customer service orientation

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